With Strawberry Gashes All Over...


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Nikowle's Leg Hair

MhMmhhmmmm...the hair

One cold day in the middle of October 2003 Nikowle Rogers decided that she was no longer going to shave her legs until around Christmas/New Year time. At first most thought it was disgusting and turned up their noses but soon after the little hairs (little at that time) grew on everyone that saw or came in contact with them.

At present (29/12/2003) with only a few days to go a random hair on one of her legs and the top and bottom measures around 1cm and around her ankles 1.5cm.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or want further information on Nikowle and the current state of her leg hair. I will make sure Nikowle personally answers every e-mail and maybe the leg hairs themselves will make a comment or two! If you would like to donate any money to Nikowle for carrying out such an attack on a part of personal hygiene then please e-mail me and Ill give you an address to send money to!

All in all I admire Nikowle for her dedication to the leg hair, she shampooed and conditioned and generally looked after it to a very high standard. I salute you Nikowle!

I will miss them when theyre gone [PICTURES TO COME SOON]

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